Our Team

Sarah Frye

Sarah Frye

Communication Specialist, Chicago PR

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Sarah Frye is an accomplished entrepreneur and public relations specialist. She also wears many additional hats as a writer, editor, networker and as a business strategist/consultant. As owner of SF Consulting Services, she has succeeded in helping her clients reach their goals through national awards, media attention and brand awareness via social media. Frye works with clients from varying industries ranging from large companies to small startups.

Her networking skills have been vital to the expansion of the many companies she has worked with. Some of her close connections include local chambers of commerce, youth initiative programs, non-profits, entrepreneurial development organizations and the media — all valuable contacts when aiming for business growth. These skills also pour over into her ability to skillfully generate positive publicity for her clients. Some notable media outlets she has utilized to help spread her client’s messages to millions across the globe include ABC World News, The Washington Post, NBC’s Today Show and many more.

As a writer and designer she has experience managing corporate communication including web content, media kits, newsletters, press releases and other marketing materials. Her ability to understand a business is reflected through her compelling editorial pieces that demonstrate the efficiency needed to communicate important messages. Frye stays up to date with digital trends and effectively distributes quality content for clients via SEO and social media including through blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and more.

Frye understands the inner workings of a business and knows what it takes to get noticed. As a consultant, she offers personalized attention, business strategy and service and uses her extensive network of experts to promote companies to the best of her ability.