
Exit, Stage Left: Why Are Good Employees Leaving?

Written By: Lisa Porro, Inspiring HR Joe, six months into his employment, is already contemplating moving on. A co-worker, Kari, notices that he seems to have checked out a bit and invites him to a coffee break to ask about it.  She likes working with Joe, thinks he adds a fresh new perspective to the […]

Keeping High Performers Motivated and Working for You

Written By: Lisa Porro, Inspiring HR Madeline has been a stellar employee from day one. She’s extremely productive, professional, and a joy to work with.  After her last – and only – promotion two years ago, she’s received competitive bonuses and consistent raises which has now placed her near the top of her pay scale.  […]

Seven Ways to Minimize Employee Termination Risks

Written By: Lisa Porro, Inspiring HR Ideally, every employee termination – voluntary and involuntary – would go smoothly. Employees would hopefully either give notice and exit gracefully or, in the case of an involuntary termination, a handshake and a “best wishes in your future endeavors” conversation would take place before the handing over of office […]